For some men, the sky was the limit. For him, it was just the beginning….
He saw the future. He lived the dream.
While Oscar buzz is still in the air and we feel particularly inspired by big screen movies, we’ve decided to tell you a bit about one special film, one of our favourites, we might add – not only for its Oscar awards record, but also because of its incredibly inspiring and impeccably presented true story with a rich sense of period detail.
An epic biographical drama about legendary Howard Hughes directed by infamous Martin Scorsese, starring persuasive as ever Leonardo DiCaprio won over millions of hearts! Story depicts Hughes’ career path unveiling the truth about his mental illness and unaltered obsession about airplanes. Genius and eccentric, Howard tests his limits, changes the world and eventually reminisces about his past…
Exciting life story of aviation pioneer was inspired by the book ‘Howard Hughes: Hell’s Angel’ by Charles Higham.
According to the official production notes, DiCaprio even learned how to fly Hughes’ “daredevil” aerial maneuvers. Now that’s some dedication to the process (which Leo is actually very well-known for).
Besides striking special effects, amazing costumes (rumored to cost $2 million at least), breathtaking aerial panoramas, gorgeous airplanes, the movie also boast a magnificent cast, featuring Cate Blanchett, Kate Beckinsale, Jude Law, Alec Baldwin, Gwen Stefani, Alan Alda among others.
Nicole Kidman was originally considered for the role of Katharine Hepburn. But when the start date was delayed, Cate Blanchett became available after starring in The Missing (2003). Martin Scorsese admitted later that Blanchett had always been his first choice.
Gwyneth Paltrow was initially signed on to portrait Ava Gardner, but eventually dropped out. She was therefore replaced with Kate Beckinsale at the last moment.
‘The Aviator’ was nominated for eleven (talk about “flying high”) Academy Awards, and went on to win five, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor and Actress in a supporting role.
How about this amazing movie for a cozy weekend evening?
To inspire you even more we’ll leave the official movie trailer here