Check out this new post by Pat McGrath, Pat is featured in top international magazines and work the biggest international fashion shows. Hailed by Vogue as ‘the most influential make-up artist in the world’ she has become so important to the vision of some designers that photoshoots are often rescheduled to fit her schedule. This self-taught Brit has the ability to create minimal masterpieces as well as outrageous avant-garde looks and her work has been featured in countless magazines and runways across the globe. Pat is currently working as the Global Design Director at Procter & Gamble.
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MAJOR JACKIE MOMENTS Thank you all for tuning in to watch the MAJOR @jackieaina and I THROW DOWN on Labs TV. I’ve been LIVING while rewatching some of these moments and wanted to share them with you beauties.
Shop Jackie’s favourites at PATMcGRATH.COM
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