Category: Fashion Editorials

“Azure” fashion editorial

Photo: Bela Raba Photographer assistant: Konstantinos Voniatis Style: Loizos Sofokleous, Andrea Ioannou Makeup: Chloe Votsi, Babor Hair: Panayiotis Assiotis Models: Milan Van Eeten, Victoria Savechko, Ace Models Place: Princess Yacht -  Hallelujah 30M A special thank you to Princess...

“La Fete” fashion editorial

Photo: Bela Raba Photographer assistants: Marzi Aalinezha, Konstantinos Voniatis Style: Loizos Sofokleous, Andrea Ioannou Makeup: Valentino Nicolaou Hair: Emma Caldwell, Helen Charles Hair Salon Models: Milan Van Eeten, Rodrigo Almeyda, Victoria Savechko, Ace Models A special thank you...

“Attitude” fashion editorial

Photo: Bela Raba Photographer assistans: Marzi Aalinezhad, Christopher Stavrinides, Konstantinos Voniatis Style: Loizos Sofokleous, Andrea Ioannou Makeup: Valeriya Polоnskaya Hair: Elena Haritonova Model: Rodrigo Almeyda, Ace Models

“The wind of Fall” fashion editorial

Photo: ALEXANDER PAPACOSTA Assistant photographers: Christos Georgiou, Marzi aalinezha, Alex Vavinov Style: LOIZOS SOFOKLEOUS Makeup: CHLOE VOTSI Hair: Panagiotis Ashiotis Model: Evgenia

“The Clubman” fashion editorial

Photo: Det Kempke, Assistant photographer: Konstantin Odin Style: Nathalie von Gordon, MUA: Karina Asmus, Model: Felix Adergold, c/o Lighting: Briese light, Photoshoot took place at the GAGA Club, Hamburg,

“Back to Black” fashion editorial

Photo: Alexander Papacosta Assistant photographer: Adam Nicolaou Style: Loizos Sofokleous Hair and makeup: Alina Krochuk Model: Maria Gojkovic Post production: Dmitry Belogurov Special thanks to the unique Apokryfo Hotel for helping in the photoshoot organization and for providing...

“The Heir” Fashion Editorial

Photo: Stefan Imielski Models: Sif Saga (New Version Models), Baldur Thor Style: Grace Maier Hair and makeup: Rebecca Kugler Assistant: Yvonne Maier Producer: Maier Agency Location: Tamposi Ranch Hernando Florida

“La vie en beige” Fashion Editorial

Photo: Alexander Papacosta Assistant photographers: Christopher Stavrinides, Mike Kirkup, Domoniki Papadopoulou Style: Loizos Sofokleous Hair and makeup: Alina KrocHuk Model: Vika Fedorova Post production: Dmitry Belogurov
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