Category: Красота

«The beauty of a living thing is not the atoms that go into it, but the way thos…

Check out this new post by Pat McGrath, Pat is featured in top international magazines and work the biggest international fashion shows. Hailed by Vogue as 'the most influential make-up artist in...

«She was dazzling — alight; it was agony to comprehend her beauty in a glance.» …

Check out this new post by Pat McGrath, Pat is featured in top international magazines and work the biggest international fashion shows. Hailed by Vogue as 'the most influential make-up artist in...

New ‘Ted Talk’ and blue eye/tinted moisturiser makeup video has just gone live o…

We love this post by top beauty influencer Lisa Eldrige Her client list includes top Hollywood celebrities and Lisa also hold a position as the Global Creative Director at Lancôme. New 'Ted Talk'...

Flashback to this makeup chair moment I captured… my favourite type of shoots …

We love this post by top beauty influencer Lisa Eldrige Her client list includes top Hollywood celebrities and Lisa also hold a position as the Global Creative Director at Lancôme. Flashback to this...

OBSESSED Loving this MAJOR swatch moment from the DIVINE @angelamarytanner starr…

Check out this new post by Pat McGrath, Pat is featured in top international magazines and work the biggest international fashion shows. Hailed by Vogue as 'the most influential make-up artist in...

VIVACIOUS VIOLET Mother’s going LIVE on with the GORGEOUS @violetchachki TOMO…

Check out this new post by Pat McGrath, Pat is featured in top international magazines and work the biggest international fashion shows. Hailed by Vogue as 'the most influential make-up artist in...

Красота по-летнему: YOU-ход за кожей в жаркий сезон

На Кипре уже под 30 градусов. Наступил жаркий сезон. Летний зной так и манит к морскому берегу. Но при всех прелестях солнечной теплой погоды, не стоит забывать об особенностях ухода за кожей...

Психология стройности

Текст: Дарья Коробейникова, slimfitfamily Я не могу быть стройной?! Мы женщины, вообще-то, очень сильные. Иначе бы не выдержали эпиляцию горячим воском, ежедневное выщипывание бровей, постоянный отказ от сладкого, соленого, жирного, жареного в угоду своей фигуре. Как...
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